
音标/读音 ['ælә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 安拉

n. Muslim name for the one and only God



Allah the most merciful, help all of them.

至慈的安拉在上 请帮助所有人吧

If you're known by allah, then you're known by us.

真主认识你 我们就认识你

Allah the merciful has saved you and brought you to me.

仁慈的阿拉真主拯救了你 把你带到了我身边

Allah knows more than anyone can how strong you are.

真主比任何人都清楚 你有多坚强

Allah view murder as a sin and an abomination.


Allah has given him eyes and he doth not see.


Allah teaches us forgiveness, but some things they're unforgivable.

真主教导我们要宽恕 但有些事 无法宽恕

Allah sees past the wrapping to the gift within.


Allah says the spirit shall rise again and be reborn into this life.

真主说灵魂再次* 生命再次复活

Allah says until the day shall the bullet weapon be silent.

真主说 终有一天*将会沉寂