
音标/读音 [nju'rәusis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 神经症, 神经机能病
[医] 神经机能病, 神经[官能]症

n. a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction



That is, how you say, your neurosis.

怎么说的来着 那都是你神经质

It's a neurosis brought on by my job.


We only did hand stuff, per his neurosis, so you totally have my blessing.

我只在他神经衰弱时给他用过手 所以我绝对祝福你们

However, thanks to the silver screen, your neurosis has got style.

不过 感谢电影工业 你的神经质很潮

And then these four guys, they make recordings as, uh, the days of wine and neurosis.

然后是这四个人 他们录制唱片 过着喝酒耍酒疯的日子

第三季第九集[本季终] starring neurosis, the mediocre psychedelic trip guiding all of this.

众口难调 由神经机能病领衔主演 开始这段 平庸的迷幻之旅

I think my brain is always thinking about sports in the background in a way that's actually very therapeutic for me, and now that I don't have any of them, all that extra brain space has just diverted back into anxiety and neurosis.

我觉得我的潜意识在以一种 有益于我健康的方式思考着体育 现在没有体育赛事了 多余的脑容量全被焦虑和神经衰弱重新填满了