
音标/读音 ['ʌp'stєәz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 楼上的
adv. 在楼上, 向楼上, 处于更高地位
n. 楼层

n. the part of a building above the ground floor
a. on or of upper floors of a building
r. on a floor above
r. with respect to the mind



Don't ever lead a cow upstairs... upstairs... upstairs.

永远不要带牛上楼 上楼 上楼

Not just from upstairs but above upstairs.

不仅是上头 还有更高层

I'll be upstairs, and you'll be fine.

我就在楼上 你不会有事

and I'm not with him because there's a man upstairs who needs me.

然而我却无法和他在一起 因为楼上还有一个男人需要我

The video's upstairs. It could have answers.

录像就在楼上 里面也许会有答案

I think I'm way too up here, all upstairs.

我头脑发热了 血都涌上来了

He's upstairs, playing with all his friends.

他在楼上 和他的朋友们在一起玩

Oh, that's what I went upstairs for.


They'll be by soon to move you upstairs.


My brother has some in the upstairs bathroom.

楼上卫生间里应该有 我哥的