
音标/读音 [lu:p]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[医] 放大镜

n. small magnifying glass (usually set in an eyepiece) used by jewelers and horologists



Anyone with a jeweler's loupe is gonna know that the stones are stolen and who you stole them from.

有珠宝寸镜的人会知道 石头是偷来的 以及它们是从哪偷来的

I knew I needed to loupe 'em before I held 'em, but he handed 'em over and split.

收购前我该仔细检查的 但他给我之后就离开了

Their descriptions varied wildly a wolf as large as a horse, a dogdragon hybrid, a loup garou: a wolfman.

他们的描述大相径庭 要么是马一样大的狼 或是狗和龙的混合体 还有人说是狼人