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◎ 单词释义

n. 力量, 权力
aux. 可能, 也许

n. physical strength



It might not be a who. It might be a what.

可能不是谁 可能是是什么

Might have, but might have been wrong, too.

也许吧 但也可能是错的

But think what we might find, who we might find, what else might be out there.

但想想我们会找到什么 会找到谁 外面还会有什么

He might, he might not, but it's what he's passionate about.

他可能擅长 也可能不 但他就是热爱

They might have very low energy, they might have electromagnetic force, they might have about the same strength of force as we have.

它们可能有非常低的能量 它们可能有电磁力 力的作用强度大概和我们的差不多

It might be a dream, I might be imagining you, you might be imagining me, it could be purgatory or a glitch in the simulation that we're both in.

这也可能是个梦 是我在肖想你 可能是你在肖想我 也可能我们正身处炼狱 还可能是我们所在的模拟系统出了个小故障

You're afraid he actually might pick up the phone, that he might do you a favor, that you might end up owing him, and that he might call you again, and you're back to square one, for better or for worse.

你是怕他真的接了电话 真的帮你这个忙 然后你就欠他个人情 他就会再打给你 然后不管怎样 你们又回到原点

Alright? It might explode, it might poison you and it might poke you in the eye with a box cutter.

就有可能会爆炸 有可能会毒死人 也有可能用美工刀戳瞎你的眼睛

I found someone who might lead us to someone who just might know where they might be.

我找到某个可能会带我们找到一个 可能知道他们会在哪里的人

They might kill her, might turn her, or might keep her till she's all used up, and that'd be worst of all.

他们可能会杀了她 可能会转化她 或者养着她 直到她被榨干 那是最坏的情况