
音标/读音 ['gɑ:gl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 漱
vi. 漱口
n. 漱口药

n. a medicated solution used for gargling and rinsing the mouth
n. the sound produced while gargling
v. utter with gargling or burbling sounds



You called me a chode gargling *toilet.


I think your priority should be gargling and a bath.


I had to gargle with hamburger just to get the taste out of my mouth.

逼得我只能拿汉堡漱口 才能把嘴里那味道压下去

I heard you said that you wanted her mom to gargle your gonads.


I've got to go and zhuzh up my hair and gargle some honey.

我得去捯饬捯饬头发 漱漱口

Must really clear your mind watching a sunrise after a long night of gargling old man balls.

玩了一宿老男人的蛋蛋 确实要看看日出净化一下

II'm gargling with a magical mouthwash, andand I'mI'm gonna dry up my sinuses with a humidifier, and I will do my absolute best to be better in 24 hours.

我在用一种神奇的漱口水漱口 我还要用加湿器保持鼻窦干燥 我一定会竭尽全力让自己在24小时内康复

You wouldn't want to gargle with bits of twig and leaf, so I'm going to add a solvent into this and it's one I use an awful lot, vodka, and it's not because I particularly like vodka, it's that alcohol that extracts the chemicals out of the herbs in a form that's so much easier to take.

你当然不希望漱口水中有枝条或叶子渣 所以我要加一些溶剂 这是我最常用的溶剂 伏特加 不是因为我特别爱喝伏特加 而是因为酒精能够提出草药中的化学成分 而且非常简单易行