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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 劈开, 分开
vi. 劈开, 分开, 粘着, 依恋

v. separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
v. make by cutting into



A man may cleave a log in two or a man may cleave to his wife forever.

一个人可能把木材一劈两半 也可能永远忠于他的妻子

We no longer cleaved to any government agency.


You make me wait for you again, I'll cleave your skull.

再迟到 我就割了你头皮

My friends, let us cleave to the matter at hand.

朋友们 还是让我们集中关注手头的麻烦吧

and the departed, who though cleaved from the frame that carried them, yet live.

而逝者 尽管已经离世 却得以永生

I shall finally cleave myself from this dagger and be on the other side of that ice wall before dawn.

我就将终能拜托匕首的束缚 天亮之前 就能到冰墙的另一边

So, he gets them drunk and high, he restrains them, kills them, a cleaves off a limb as a souvenir.

也就是说他灌醉他们后 将其绑起来 杀掉后 把肢体砍下来作为纪念品

Seven foot, virtually unkillable barbarian warrior is coming at you with a sword that can cleave you in two.

七英尺高 几乎不可消灭 蛮王拿着一把能把你劈成两半的剑 朝着你来了