
音标/读音 [ri'tentiv]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 保持的, 有保持力的, 记性好的

a. good at remembering
a. having the capacity to retain something
s. having the power, capacity, or quality of retaining water



Our retention is up two percent over last year.


But watch out for fluid retention later, it's going to be spectacular.

但迟些时候要注意水肿问题 那水肿会长得特别大

He has a retention hearing next week to determine if he should be released.

下周要召开他的扣留听证会 在听证会上会决定他是否该被释放

There was no fluid retention, no visceral congestion that I ever heard.

我从没听说他有过 液体潴留 或者内脏充血

Yes, these cabinets have 65 percent scream retention.

是的 这些橱柜有65%的尖叫记忆力

I came here today, to this retreat, because it has the highest employee retention in the company.

我今天来这里 来这家店 因为公司留住的员工这家店排名最高

Look, honest, in t property retention business, you get what you pay for.

说老实话 干物品保存这行 一分价钱一分货

12 more after that, and you'll lose emotional control and memory retention simply because the lights are on.

再熬12个小时 你就会失去情绪控制和记忆保持能力 只因为灯光一直亮着

Though more water retention can mean more weight on the scales, it isn't actually fat.

虽然水潴留看似让你增重了 但增加的并不是脂肪

When it comes to looking at fluid retention, the impact of the pill seems to be quite significant.

避孕药对液体潴留 似乎有着很显著的影响