
音标/读音 ['grændmʌðә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 祖母, 女祖先

n the mother of your father or mother



And he showed her what to do, as he had once shown her grandmother, and her grandmother's grandmother.

他指导她该做什么 正如他曾指导她祖母一样 以及她祖母的祖母

My grandmother told me stories her grandmother's grandmother told her.

我祖母给我讲过 她祖母的祖母给她讲过的故事

My grandmother's grandmother had books of her own.


She gave the baby to her grandmother, but grandmother is handicap.

她把宝宝给了她奶奶 但奶奶有残疾

Not you, me, her, some grandmother of hers.

无论是你 我 她 还是她的什么祖母

My mom, your grandmother, biological grandmother, she had a beautiful voice too.

我母亲 你奶奶 血亲上的奶奶 她的嗓音也很动听

There's no excuse for what your grandmother did.


When my grandmother needed me, I was not there.

而我祖母需要我时 我却不在她身边

That wouldn't have been possible for our grandmothers.


I did find out that she's a grandmother.
