
fleabag怎么读: 音标['fli:bæg]
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◎ fleabag是什么意思

n. 睡眠袋, 床, 廉价旅社

n. a run-down hotel


1. Because we were stuck in a fleabag motel.


2. All I know is I'm bleeding out in some fleabag motel.


3. I'm in no rush to get back to the fleabag motel.


4. Probably bunked up in some fleabag hotel, but they're fine.

也许睡在某个廉价旅店里 但是她们没事

5. We've tried all the big landmarks outside of the park the police station, the the the fleabag motel we're staying in, this bar.

我们在公园外的大地标都找过 警局 我们住的那家廉价旅馆 这间酒吧

6. These beardos pay $5 a song to listen to old fleabags sing rock and roll music.

这些大胡子一首歌付五美元来 听些糟老头唱摇滚乐

7. I finally get the opportunity to make some money in a job I love and you want me shackled to this fleabag college and a deadend relationship.

我终于得到了 我钟爱的能赚钱的工作 而你却想我被禁锢在 这所烂大学 和一段没有结果的感情中
