音标/读音 [vɑ:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[医] 视敏度

n a state in the eastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies; one of the Confederate States in the American Civil War
n the United States federal department responsible for the interests of military veterans; created in 1989



In my 20s, I had va va voom, now I just have va va.

我二十岁时 很拉轰的 现在不行了

But, va, I'll just come straight out with it.

但是 呼 我就跟你直说了吧

He started hanging out at the va a lot.


Now, this could not possibly be a dog in the va against all the regs.

现在 这只狗不能违规待在这里

What va hospital raul lugo might have gone to.


0n va voir quelles sont nos options.

我想去看看 能为她做些什么

On va refaire notre vie, toutes les deux.

我们两个人 重新开始新生活

Il va falloir examiner tous les registres.


Le prisonnier va l'appeler, passer un code.

囚犯会给她打电话 用暗语传递消息

Alors va te faire foutre et laissemoi tranquille.

那就闭嘴 滚开 让我静一静