
音标/读音 ['tæfitә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[化] 塔夫绸

n. a crisp smooth lustrous fabric



I could not wear pink taffeta to my senior prom.


It's just that all the flowers and pink taffeta, it's just not my bag.

只是那些鲜花和粉红塔夫绸 都不是我的风格

It rustles like a taffeta skirt across the floor.


Mumma. It's time you learned there's more to our business than tableaux and taffeta.

妈妈 是时候让你知道 生意上除了造型和塔夫绸还有很多要学

I'd also be willing to wear the blue taffeta with rhinestones.

我就想穿这件有水钻的 塔夫绸裙子

I had these pretty dresses, taffeta and silk, and II did ballet dancing.

我有很多塔夫绸和丝绸做的漂亮裙子 我还跳芭蕾

If I don't walk down the aisle in that taffeta hazmat suit, your mom is gonna be devastated.

要是我*着那件塔夫绸「防护服」结婚 *妈一定会受不了的

Finally made enough money to buy the dress I wanted at work, and apparently, taffeta melts.

终于存够了钱 在上班的店里买了我想要的裙子 显然 塔夫绸不能熨烫