
音标/读音 ['væljuәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有价值的, 贵重的, 宝贵的, 可估价的
[经] 有价值的, 可估价的, 贵重的

n. something of value
a. having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange
s. having worth or merit or value



Which I recently learned means very valuable as opposed to not at all valuable.

㶮"ɻȱ"ݺҪ һ㶼Ҫ˼

That's why you're so valuable to me.


Your valuables are untouched... unless, of course, you consider your wife a valuable.

你的贵重物品都没人动过 当然 除非 你把你妻子也算作贵重物品

What's on that ship is very valuable to them.


And you took me on because I'm valuable to you.


That's how valuable she could be to us.


We are too valuable to each other to be enemies.

我们之间有太多联系 实在不适合做敌人

And you and the others are too valuable.


The more valuable you are, the more vulnerable you are.

你越有价值 越容易受伤

But I'm I'm I'm that... I mean, I could be valuable.

但我我我 我也可以有价值