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◎ 单词释义

n. 脑干

n. the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus



Those are reflexive actions of his brainstem.


The brainstem must be destroyed, or severed from the spinal cord.

脑干部分必须被毁掉 或者与脊髓切断

Brainstem reflexes are completely absent, and his pupils are fixed and blown.

脑干反射完全消失 瞳孔扩张

There was a slight gag reflex, but overall, our findings indicate very few brainstem reflexes.

曾有轻微的咽反射 但总的来说 脑干神经反射几乎没有

Other key structures they need to try and minimise dose to are the brainstem and the hippocampus.

其他需要尽量避免辐射的组织 是脑干和海马体

There's very little brainstem function left, which means that her body is being kept alive by machines.

脑干功能几乎为零 就是说 她是在靠机器维持生命

We can remove bone from the wall of your skull and resect a *all section of your cerebellum to reduce brainstem pressure.

我们可以移除你颅骨壁的部分骨头 然后切除你小脑的一部分 以降低脑干压

But we're giving more dose to the brainstem, which we've identified as a critical structure, than we would like to and that's why it's so important that we image the patient every day and we make sure they're in the right place before we turn that beam on.

但脑干的剂量太多了 脑干是关键结构 这个剂量太大了 这就是为什么 我们每天要标记病人 确保他们躺在正确的位置 然后才能开启质子束