
音标/读音 [.eksi'kju:ʃәnә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 刽子手
[法] 死刑执行人, 刽子手, 行刑者

n. an official who inflicts capital punishment in pursuit of a warrant



I'm not a surgeon, I'm an executioner.

我就不是医生 我是个刽子手

Woke up in bed with both my executioners.


When you've finished with me, you'll send me to the executioner.

等你玩腻了我 就会把我送给刽子手

And I'm a bail bondswoman, not an executioner.

我是女保释人 不是行刑者

We're not executioners, and we don't need martyrs.

我们不是行刑者 也不需要殉难者

He acts as an executioner and a propagandist.


Black*iths, bowmen, even executioners such as yourself.

铁匠 弓手 甚至你这样的刽子手也有

She saw his death at the hands of an executioner.


Yeah? ...are your judge, your jury, and your executioner.

怎么了 就是你的法官 陪审团 和死刑执行人

Because otherwise the executioner won't have anything to chop off.

因为那样的话 刽子手就没东西可砍了