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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 安德(人名)



'and I am talking to you because you're entitled to know.

而我告诉你 是因为你有权知道

'and I am to write to you for the last time.


'and were eradicating the last wolves to trouble them.


'and I'm quite fussy about the pastry no surprises there.

而且我对面团也很挑剔 这不奇怪

'and I...I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me.

但我不希望让你觉得 你有事不能和我说

"'and you're warm in your bed, and you close your eyes.

你躺在温暖的被窝里 闭上眼睛

'and a bit of brown sugar to help with caramelisation.

少量红糖 帮助焦糖化反应

'and collect a sample of the mysterious coral that survives there.

并采集生长在那里的 神秘珊瑚样品

'and opened my mind to the true wonderment of this world.


'and we're going to end up staying with a tribe deep in the rainforest.

我们最后会呆在 热带雨林深处的一个部落里