
音标/读音 ['rәuә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 桨手

n someone who rows a boat



His body was spotted early this morning by a rower.


All the senior rowers have a key to the shed, but they're not allowed access before 5am.

所有资深赛艇运动员都有划船棚的钥匙 但他们在凌晨5点之前是不允许进入的

We have a number of gifted athletes on board: runners, rowers, footballers.

我们带了一群很有天赋的运动员 跑步的 划船的 踢球的

Yale graduate, champion rower, and one of the best recruits to ever walk these halls.

耶鲁毕业生 冠军浆手 这里招募过的最好学员之一