
音标/读音 ['miʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 任务, 代表团, 使命, 传教团
vt. 派遣, 向...传教

n. an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work
n. an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters
n. a special assignment that is given to a person or group
n. the organized work of a religious missionary



This isn't a side mission. It's the mission.

这不是额外的活儿 这是我们唯一的任务

I can't go from daily missions to no missions.


The mission's the mission, whatever I see.

不管怎样 任务就是任务

It's going from a rescue mission to a suicide mission.


But a mission clouded by emotion is a mission failed.


This is no longer a capture mission. It's a kill mission.

这不再是抓捕行动 而是杀戮行动

Men, this is a transport mission, not an attack mission.

兄弟 这是个运输任务 不是个进攻任务

I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their owns.

手下的人各行其是 你叫我怎么带队执行任务

Our mission, my mission, is to recover that plutonium, and I will do so at any cost.

我们的任务 我的任务 是把钚核拿回来 我会不惜一切代价

Oh, that transition's never easy from a daily mission to no mission.

这个转变过程可不容易 从每天都有任务到每天什么任务都没有