
音标/读音 ['iŋ^rid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n 英格里德(女子名)



Ingrid, patron of the arts. Ingrid, with the truck.

买你老公画作的Ingrid 借你皮卡的Ingrid

I'm betting you didn't tell Ingrid about him.


Ingrid, wait. I don't have time for this.

Ingrid等等 我可没时间和你纠缠

I think this is an emergency, Ingrid.

我认为这就是紧急情况 英格丽

I'm sorry if I'm losing you, Ingrid.

抱歉如果你听不懂的话 英格丽

You can't break up with Ingrid until you have a plan.

你不能跟英格丽分手 除非你有计划了

Morning, Ingrid. I brought you a coffee.

早上好 英格麗 我給你買了咖啡

Yes, I'm so angry at you. It's me, Ingrid, I'm mean.

是的 我很生你的气 我是Ingrid 我很刻薄

My only stipulation. I'm allergic to dogs, Ingrid.

我唯一的要求 我对狗过敏 Ingrid

I didn't know it was a bet, and I didn't have sex with Ingrid.

我不知道那是打赌 我也没和英格丽*