
音标/读音 [dein]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 丹麦人

n. a native or inhabitant of Denmark



Dane's spirit is so alive in the company.


Dane, I've got my best people on this.

戴恩 我派了最好的人手在处理了

Dane, so nice of you to fly in unannounced.

戴恩 你招呼都不打就飞来真是太好了

Dane, I'm sure you're a terrific journalist.

德恩 我相信你是个出色的记者

Dane, I know this new policy is a winner.

戴恩 这个新政策会成功的

Dane is like a puppy with this acting thing.


Dane was not just my brother or my business partner; he was my mentor.

戴恩不只是我的哥哥 和商业伙伴 他还是我的导师

Dane, I would never do anything behind your back that I wouldn't do on your face.

戴恩 在你面前不能做的事情 我是绝不会在你背后做的

Dane said "squid", witch is military slang for sailor.

Dane说的是乌贼 在部队里这是对于水手的昵称

Dane just put up more photos of him and your dad at the 1799 party.

戴恩发了更多的 他和*在1799派对上的照片