
音标/读音 ['kwɒlitәtiv]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 性质的, 质的, 定性的

a. involving distinctions based on qualities
a. relating to or involving comparisons based on qualities



And it's actually more qualitative than quantitative for us.

不过对我们来说 性质远比数量重要

A qualitative observation log of what you taught me.


Essentially, they've sterilized it, so that it's... qualitatively agnostic.

说到底 他们把信息给滤掉了 因此它...基本上不可用了

We can reach a society that is qualitatively better for all of us.


We ran a quantitative and qualitative *ysis on the sample from the lake.

我们对湖边的样本 做了定性定量分析

I am certain I fulfill the requisite quantitative and qualitative criteria.

我相信我达到了 所需的标准和程度

I'm j... I'm just saying that math can't tell a qualitative difference between good and bad.

我只是想说 算法没办法区分质量上的好坏

I think we'll be able to make a qualitative asses*ent about where the finest women in the world come from.

我觉得我们能够评比出 全世界哪里的女人最棒