
音标/读音 ['vizjjәlaiz, -ʒjә-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使可见, 使具体化, 使具形象 设想, 想象
vi. 显现

v view the outline of by means of an X-ray
v form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract
v imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
v make visible



I can't visualise it right now, I really can't.

我现在是想像不到 真的想像不出来

The only way you could visualise the brain itself involved very invasive processes.

直接观察大脑的唯一途径 是借助外科手术

We're trying something different today, it's called visualisation.

这是最新的战术 想象胜利法

What we've got here is the nearest visualisation you can get to of a trance.

我们所看到的 是最接近出神状态的 具象表达

I visualise him in an open space on a lead and he wants to be off and to go to somewhere or somebody.

我能想见它在空地上 拴着狗链 它想挣脱锁链 去别的地方或是找什么人

No, you have to visualise what you want to get out of a rock, and work towards that shape, absolutely.

是的 你需要想象出你想用石头做成的造型 然后做出那种造型

Alan's team of engineers have worked through the night, wrangling the data and finding a way to visualise the cats' precise movements over 24 hours.

艾伦的工程师小组连夜 处理数据并找到 能够直观显示猫24小时以来精确移动的方法