
音标/读音 ['tɒ:rid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 晒热的, 酷热的, 炎热的

s. emotionally charged and vigorously energetic
s. extremely hot



I had a torrid affair with a bullfighter.


I had a brief, but torrid, affair with a certain redhead.


They had a torrid affair, which resulted in a scandalous teenage pregnancy.

他們有過一段炙熱的戀情 致使她未成年懷孕

I'm talking about our frequent nights of torrid, if noncommittal, lovemaking.

我在说我们频繁的晚间 *四射但毫无牵绊的床上活动

Thomas' wife had begun a torrid affair with her hu*and's closest friend.

托马斯的妻子与她丈夫的好友 谱写了一段风流韵事

One wild night of torrid lovemaking that soothes my soul and inflames my loins.

咱俩一夜* 大战数千回合 既能抚慰我心 也令我胯下湿热

She would then invite me for coffee so that we could begin a torrid affair, having previously advised you to leave the country.

她还会邀请我喝咖啡 所以我决定建议你出国 这样我和她才能展开一场狂热的爱恋

Well, when he didn't join us, my mind naturally wandered to the idea of some torrid assignation in town.

他没有加入我们的时候 我自然就开始想他 是不是在镇上有一场情热约会

Be it a booster shot to help ward off tetanus or a gallon of kahlúa to help you get over a torrid yet ‭emotionally unrequited romance.

也许是预防破伤风的疫苗 也许是一加仑咖啡酒 好帮助自己 忘记一场*但没有结果的恋爱