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◎ 单词释义

n. 礼拜者, 崇拜者, 爱慕者

n a person who has religious faith
n someone who admires too much to recognize faults



Or a religion, with a single worshipper.

一个宗教 要从一个信徒开始

Where the worshippers stand, from the heavenly one.


But of course, his people didn't want to be sun worshippers.

当然 他的人并不想成为太阳的追随者

Sadly I don't think they'll be a coven of devil worshippers.


Worshippers eager to give and grateful to receive.

崇拜者狂热奉献 感恩馈赠

They remain a potent draw for worshippers and pilgrims alike.


It's my *ing luck I end up with a band of fire worshippers.

老子掉进崇拜火的人堆里了 真*的走运

That gives the temple more power, as a magnet to draw the worshipper.

这也使寺庙作为吸引朝拜者的中心 具有更大的权力

His brother had an awful lot of bother with devil worshippers.


He commissioned artists to paint angels on the ceilings, as if protecting the worshippers below.

他命令画匠们将天使画在屋顶 就像是在保护着下面的朝拜者