
音标/读音 ['læktik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 乳的, 乳汁的, 由乳汁取得的
[医] 乳的

a. of or relating to or obtained from milk (especially sour milk or whey)



25? I've never heard of lactic acid that high.

25吗 我从没听说过那么高的乳酸浓度

My point is I also found very high levels of lactic acid.


When starved of oxygen, a buildup of lactic acid in their muscles causes the quality of their meat to deteriorate.

一旦缺氧 乳酸会在鱼肉中堆积 使肉质变差

I see no signs of lividity or lactic buildup, so the victim must have died no more than one or two hours before the fire was set.

我没看到任何尸斑或乳酸菌 受害者一定是 在失火一两小时前被害

Draw a lactic acid, and, um, repeat blood cultures, um, keep his fluids at 100, and add vancomycin into his antibiotics.

测个乳酸 再做一次血培养 保持100个单位的输液量 在抗生素中加上万古霉素