
音标/读音 [kә'nu:dl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vi. 搂颈亲热, 爱抚
vt. 爱抚而说服

v. fondle or pet affectionately



We may have been canoodling when we felt like canoodling.

我们想亲热时 可能有亲热过

I don't think she was canoodling with anyone.


Go on, go canoodle with your lieutenant.

去吧 去跟你的副队长亲热吧

But she's here all the time and you guys are constantly canoodling.

但她总来这里 你们俩如胶似漆地秀恩爱

Katie, there were teenagers canoodling in our pantry.

凱特 儲藏間里有兩個小年輕摟摟抱抱的

You've never canoodled a day in your life.


And look at that you got me saying the word canoodling.

你瞅啊 被你带的 我都会说秀恩爱了

And in case you were wondering, yes, you are paying them to canoodle.

以防你比较惊讶 是的 你花钱让她们相互爱抚

No canoodling amongst the stacks, you hormonal monsters.

不准在书架之间亲热 你们这群荷尔蒙怪物