
音标/读音 ['plajmәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 把犁人, 庄稼汉

n a man who plows



Well, mate, it certainly beats the dried out ploughman's you'd be 'eating if you stopped at the services back home, I tell you.

绝对胜过任何 你在英国路边的休息站里 吃到的那种烤过头的食物

Now the hungry lion roars, and the wolf behowls the moon; whilst the heavy ploughman snores, all with weary task fordone.

饿狮在高声咆哮 豺狼在向月长嗥 农夫们鼾息沉沉 完毕一天的辛勤