
音标/读音 [.ri:in'fɒ:s]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 加强, 增援, 补充
vi. 求援, 得到增援
n. 加固材料

v. make stronger
v. strengthen and support with rewards



And I built an app out of it, a game out of it, in which children can play with words and with a reinforcement, a sound reinforcement of visual structures, they're able to learn language.

我通过它制作了一个游戏应用 孩子们可以玩文字游戏 然后通过声音强化视觉结构 让他们学习语言

When you do, we'll send in reinforcements.

你一找到他 我们就会派援军来的

That's not reinforcements that's a gravedigger.

那不叫增援 那是来给我们挖墓的吧

And your request for reinforcements is being processed.


I had the door reinforced for *uggling.

我会加固这扇门 防止他溜进来

There may be reinforcements on the way.


But this is too important, so I've brought reinforcements.

但这事太重要了 所以我带来了帮手

It all reinforces the idea that there was care.


Find out where they are and reinforce their position.

找到他们的位置 去支援他们

You have my word, reinforcements are coming.

相信我的话 增援正在赶来