
音标/读音 ['eθәnәul]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 乙醇, 酒精
[化] 乙醇

n the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors; used pure or denatured as a solvent or in medicines and colognes and cleaning solutions and rocket fuel; proposed as a renewable clean-burning additive to gasoline



96度 which means it's about 96% ethanol.

《流言终结者》自制私酿烈酒 也就是说它的酒精浓度约为96%

They're going to pick up ethanol for the tetracycline.


Hilltop's half of the deal for the ethanol.


And that seethrough blob over there, that is a gallon of ethanol.

那边那瓶透明的东西 是一加仑乙醇

We're currently the frontrunner in the development of cellulosic ethanol.

在纤维素乙醇的开发上 我们目前是行业先驱

I know ethanol can make a difference for our children.


When you heat it up, ethanol evaporates when it reaches a boiling point.

加热的时候 到达沸点酒精就会挥发

But moonshine, being ethanol, burns a lot hotter than gasoline.

然而私酿烈酒主要成分是乙醇 其燃烧温度比汽油高很多

The sexy indiscretions happened on the grounds of the ethanol plant.

性行为发生在 乙醇工厂内部

Two weeks ago, there was a fire at an ethanol plant.

两周前 一家乙醇工厂起火了