
音标/读音 ['bilbɒ:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 广告牌, 布告板
vt. 宣传

n. large outdoor signboard



And according to your billboard, so are you.

根据你广告牌上写的 你也是医生吧

It could have been you he flung from that billboard.


You are the *art one those billboards.

你才是真正聪明的人 那些标牌

So you're on television, you're on billboards, you're instore.

电视 公告牌 商店 到处都能看到你

Louis, you were right about the billboard.

路易斯 关于那个广告牌 你太对了

Sorry about what happened to your billboards and all.

因为广告牌的事 还有一切

I don't think those, billboards is very fair.


I'll put your face on all my billboards.


And, yes, I am the guy from the billboards.

对 我就是广告牌上那家伙

The billboard, as is, is defamatory and must come down.

这个广告牌的确 是诽谤 一定得撤下