
音标/读音 ['flajәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 面粉的, 撒满粉的, 粉状的

s. resembling flour in fine powdery texture



Both early season and main crop potatoes come in two main types, waxy and floury.

早熟种和晚熟种土豆又可分为两大类 光面土豆 以及糙面土豆

Floury potatoes have a fluffy dry texture when cooked which makes them great for mashing, roasting or cutting into chips.

糙面土豆煮熟后 口感略干且质地蓬松 最适合用于制作土豆泥 烧烤 又或是制成薯片

Whether new season, main crop, waxy or floury, potatoes are incredibly versatile and packed with great flavour, the perfect ingredient when you're cooking on a budget.

无论是早熟种 晚熟种 光面种还是糙面种 土豆是种美味的百搭食材 是烹制价廉味美菜肴的不二选择