
音标/读音 ['autlaiә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 露宿者
[化] 异常值

n. a person who lives away from his place of work
n. an extreme deviation from the mean



These men are outliers, but they do exist.

这种人很少 但的确是有

There were people, outliers, who you couldn't predict or control.

总有人 有异类 有你无法预知或掌控的人

There were people, outliers, agitators, who you couldn't predict or control.

有很多人 离群者 煽动者 无法预测或控制

According to the hunter we subdued, their plan was to start with the outliers.

据我们制服的猎人说 他们想先从落单的下手

Removing outliers from the population also ensures they will have no offspring.

都是因为把离群者从人类中移除 同时确保他们不会有后代

Adding any of them should make the youthful candidate the outlier and you the victor via asymmetrical dominance.

他们中任何一个 都会让年轻的候选人成为异类 而你则借助非对称优势成为赢家

They've managed to make the results accurate for the average user while still accounting for the outlier.

他们成功让搜索结果 对于一般用户来说足够准确 同时还能考虑到非主流人群

The most efficient way we found to deal with the problem of the outliers was to use some of them to round up the rest.

我们发现 解决离群者问题的最有效的办法 就是利用其中的一些人去围捕剩下的人

Rehoboam saw in you and those like you, the outliers, a fatal flaw that would have bent the world on its axis.

罗波安发现你 和其他跟你一样的离群者 是致命的缺陷 会导致世界偏离轴心

My brother is part of a population of outliers, and as long as they are a part of us, there is no future for us.

我哥哥是离群者的一员 只要他们还存在于我们之中 我们就没有未来