
音标/读音 [,daiә'metrikәli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 完全地, 直径方面, 正好相反地, 截然地

r. as from opposite ends of a diameter



The treatments are diametrically opposed steroids if it's inflammation.

如果是感染的话 治疗的方式是完全相反的 如果是发炎的话应该输注类固醇

Worlds that are, and will always be, diametrically opposed.

这两个世界 永远是截然相反的

Your findings are diametrically opposed to those of the previous forensic psychologist.

你的结论与之前的法庭心理学家 完全相反

The treatments are diametrically opposed antibiotics if it's infection, steroids if it's inflammation.

如果是感染的话 治疗的方式是完全相反的 如果是感染的话应该输注抗生素 如果是发炎的话应该输注类固醇

I can't help but notice how her unconditional love for you is diametrically opposed to my own parenting strategies.

我注意到 她对你无条件的爱 与我为人母的教子之方恰恰相反

It vacated the house for the new tenant, who has diametrically opposite tastes in decorating.

它為裝修品味完全相反的新房客 騰出了房子