
音标/读音 ['pә:mәfrɔ(:)st]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. [地]永久冻结带

n. ground that is permanently frozen



They pick up the virus from the melting permafrost.


Due, most likely, to the, uh, preservation in the permafrost.

很可能是 永冻层起到了良好的冷冻保存作用

But the biggest consequence of permafrost melting is found outside this town.

但是永冻层融化的最严重后果 在这座小镇之外

And if, as scientists fear, the permafrost melts, it releases incredible quantities of methane into the atmosphere.

科学家担心 如果永冻层融化 释放大量甲烷到大气中

It's the largest city in the world built on a thick band of frozen ground called permafrost.

这是全球最大的 建立在永冻土之上的城市

Thawing permafrost is dangerous, because it can release vast amounts of methane gas that makes it a ticking time bomb.

永冻层的融化很危险 因为大量甲烷会随之释放 像一个会随时爆炸的炸弹

So you can imagine a large amount of gas burping out of the permafrost actually causing the acceleration in the global warming that we see already happening.

你可以想象大量的甲烷气体 从永久冻土层中排出 导致全球变暖的速度 进一步增加