
音标/读音 [æs]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 驴, 傻瓜, 笨蛋, 屁股
[计] 模拟仿真系统

n. a pompous fool
n. hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse



And by "the studio's ass," I mean my ass.


You could pick that ass out of an ass lineup.


And after I kick your ass, I'm kicking his ass.

我揍了你之后 再去揍他

Don't talk about my ass.I am very selfconscious about my ass.


I mean, ass tattoos of all kinds of crazy shit, including one ass tattoo of an ass.

*文身有各种疯狂的东西 还有在*上文*的

He loved sliding his ass into private jets, loved washing his ass with gold bidets, and right now he is lying his ass off.

他爱坐私人飞机 爱用坐浴盆洗臀部 而现在他满口谎话

Please. I carried his ass. I carried your asses.

拜托 是我帮他擦* 帮你们擦*

I'm not pinching your ass. I just slapped your ass.

我没掐你* 我只是拍了一下

Maybe I'll get a tattoo of an ass on my ass.


Well, if you want some ass, you have to bring some ass.

如果你想引起轰动 你就要来点干货