
音标/读音 ['dedfɒ:l]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 陷阱, 倒下的树木



Two snipers in some deadfall about halfway up the first foothill.

两个狙击手藏在倒下的枯木里 大约在第一座小丘的半山腰

Now, nothing grows under a spruce, which makes them good for riding under, on account of no deadfalls and you don't have to duck under any low limbs.

云杉底下寸草不生 非常适合骑行 没有任何的枯木 你不必蜷起四肢从底下穿过