
音标/读音 ['nʌθiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 无, 不关紧要之事, 零
adv. 毫不, 决不
interj. 什么也没有, 无

n. a quantity of no importance
r. in no respect; to no degree



What was that? It's nothing, it's nothing.

怎么了 没什么 没什么

It was nothing. It was not nothing.

一点事都没有 不是一点事都没有

I did nothing, and I'm not about to do nothing again.

我什么也没做 但这次我不会再袖手旁观

Nothing to you. It's not nothing to me.

对你没关系 可是对我来说有关系

There's nothing for you here, nothing for me here.

这里没什么让你留恋的了 我也没有

You get 10% of nothing on every nothing you nothing.

你什么活也干不了 一毛钱都赚不到

We found nothing at the farmer's market, nothing in his vehicle, nothing on him.

我们在农贸市场里没找到 他车里没找到 他身上也没有

It has nothing nothing to do with what's going on here.

它和现在的事情没有 没有一点关系

There's nothing nothing to be done.

没有办法了 一点办法都没有

I have been doing nothing every day of my life, and thinking it was that, nothing, it was nothing.

我人生的每一天都无所实事 我以为 就这样了 一事无成 曾一事无成