
音标/读音 [maund]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 土墩, 堤, 小山
vt. 筑堤, 用土堆防卫
vi. 积成堆

n. (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands
n. structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones
v. form into a rounded elevation



So we're on this large mound, linear mound in the middle of this city.

我们在这个大土丘上 城市中央的长条土丘

But this time, plant the heel, little toe mound, big toe mound.

但是这次 脚跟着地 小幅度抬起脚尖 小幅度抬起脚尖

I've not finished the mound, so I'm sorry.

我要完成这个工作 所以对不起

I'm on the mound. It's the bottom of the 6th.

我上场投球 那是第六盘的最后一轮

As night descends, the mounds are transformed.

夜幕降临 白蚁丘开始变化

You were supposed to massage my pubic mound.


This whole mound could be some kind of...nest.


It was a home game. I get on the mound.

主场作战 我站在投球区土墩上

And six inches, but that's if you're throwing from the mound.

18米44 但是如果你在投球丘投

Can't wait to see you on the mound, foureyes.

等不急在球场上见到你了 四眼仔