
音标/读音 [i'rәuʒәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 腐蚀, 冲蚀, 侵蚀
[化] 磨耗; 侵蚀

n. (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it)
n. condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind
n. a gradual decline of something


erosion的例句: hasn't been covered by erosion or other forces.


There's a slight incidence of erosive lesions on the metacarpophalangeal joints.

掌指关节处极少会出现 侵蚀性的病变

This level of erosion wouldn't be confined to just the ends of the bones.

这种侵蚀的程度 不会只限于骨头末端

It'll be an erosion study, probably a swinging gate.

他們需要研究侵蝕 可能會用回旋式閘門

Sean's endoscopy shows chronic caustic esophageal erosions.


Mirror erosion patterns from the bones rubbing together over time.


Soil erosion? I think you've gone a little bit off track, partner.

土壤腐蚀 我觉得你有一点 偏离正题了啊 搭档

And what's more, the evidence seems pretty conclusive that it hasn't been covered up by natural erosion or other forces.

此外 几乎可以确定 它的表面并没有自然侵蚀或外力作用的痕迹

The medallions, like much of the city, were made of sandstone and suffer badly from erosion.

这些徽章和这座城市大部分地方一样 都是由砂石打造 受侵蚀严重

The river erosion created an archaeologist's dream the crosssection of history in layers of sediment.

河流的侵蚀过程完了考古学家的美梦 沉积层展现了历史的横切面