
音标/读音 ['ɑ:mrest]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 扶手, 靠手

n. a support for the arm



It's got a key in the middle, next to the armrest.

中间有把钥匙 就是扶手旁边

I'd be gripping those armrests like my teeth were being drilled.

我紧紧的握住扶手 牙齿好像在钻孔

I remember, I looked down at your hand on the armrest in between us.

我记得 我低头看着 你放在咱俩之间的扶手上的手

If you so much as raise your arms off your armrest, I'll test that theory.

如果你的手 离开扶手 我就让你见证一下

He told me that he got it when a fellow passenger banged his head on an armrest.

他说是他被一位乘客殴打 撞到扶手时受的伤

She got kicked off the plane for getting into a slap fight with an eightyearold over an armrest.

她因为和一个8岁小孩争抢扶手大打出手 被赶下飞机了

Put your seat back in the upright position fold up your meal tray, open your window blind, lower the armrests of your seat and fasten your seatbelt.

请把座位调回正位 将餐板折起 打开遮阳板 放下扶手 系好安全带

If you can get your hands on some magnesium, found in the armrests on many modern trains, and some iron oxide, or rust, found just about, well, anywhere, and then add some fire, you've got what you need to make a thermal lance: a cutting tool that can slice through just about anything.

如果你能找到一些镁 很多现代列车上的扶手上都有 一些氧化铁 或铁锈 铁锈到处都有 再来点火 就制成了一个热喷枪 一个能够切割所有东西的工具