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◎ 单词释义

n. 冲动;抢掠;[印]纸张撕裂

v to grasp hastily or eagerly
v to make grasping motions
v take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom



You know where we come from ain't no such thing as no snatch and grab; they snatch your ass, it's a wrap.

我们长大的地方 可没有抢劫抓人这一说 一旦被绑 就完了

When we get good snatch, and I mean really good snatch, and we lose it, well, watch out.

当我们拥有一个美人 我是指难得的美人 然后却失去了她 那就得小心了

Once again, you've snatched the strongbox out from under me.


If I had a kid snatched up, I would be incoherent.

如果我的孩子被绑架 我会失去理智的

And at the most vulnerable hour... snatch.

然后在防备最松懈的时候 把他带走

He was snatched into the helicopter. I was the only journalist.

他被抓进了直升机里 现场只有我一个记者

He would be snatched and made to be that symbol.

他会被他们抓住 成为反叛的象征

Then we snatch something he cares about.


The only snatch you've got in you is between your legs.


Grab it, snatch it up, make it yours.

抓住它 抢过来 变成你的机会