
音标/读音 [.fɑ:mә'kɒlәdʒist]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 药理学家, 药物学家
[医] 药理学家

n. someone trained in the science of drugs (their composition and uses and effects)



Not really a doctor, more of an * pharmacologist.

不算是医生 更像个业余药理学家吧

Victim's a male pharmacologist, working in some kind of startup lab.

受害者是位男性藥物學家 他在一家初創實驗室工作

And if I'm to understand it correctly, one of the defendants' fathers is an eminent pharmacologist and the other a scholar in the humanities.

如果我理解正确的话 其中一位被告的父亲是杰出的药理学家 另一位的父亲是人文学者

Molecular pharmacologists working here have created a brandnew molecule that might allow men to control their own fertility.

在此工作的分子药物学家 创造出了一种全新的分子 这种分子可能使男性控制自己的生育能力