
音标/读音 ['stә:rәp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 马镫, 镫具, U形物
[化] 钢箍

n. support consisting of metal loops into which rider's feet go



Maybe we should put stirrups on that toilet.


Hard to be a moving target in stirrups.


Look, that girl checking out the stirrup pants.

看 那个看健美踏脚裤的女生

I dinna want to tie your feet to the stirrups, but I will.

我不想把你的脚绑在马镫上 别逼我

The woman is placed in stirrups, and the miracle of life is almost complete.

产妇已经准备就绪 生命的奇迹就快完成了

Okay, just put your foot in the stirrup, and swing your other leg over.

踩在马镫子上 另一条腿甩过去

Some cros*ows are cocked by the user putting a foot into a stirrup and drawing the string up to the nut.

有些十字弓需要使用者踩着弩镫竖起来 把弦拉回弦勾上

My next clear memory was of finding myself lying on a table, feet in stirrups, with a painful pressure building in my abdomen.

我昏迷前只记得自己 躺在病床 脚被固定住 有一股压力往腹部钻 很痛