
音标/读音 [skit]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 讽刺文, 戏文, 小喜剧

n. a short theatrical episode



In one of the skits that I do, it's a nerd skit.


You know, with the skit and the costume.

用你牛叉的剧情 还有你这身打扮

And then you come here with this comedy skit.


It's not even a play anymore. It's a skit.

都称不上是话剧了 简直是滑稽短剧

Yeah, but only because I was in them doing skits about how drinking was bad.

是啊 但只是因为我在里面演滑稽短剧 关于酗酒有多糟

It's a famous skit about the players and their funny names.

那是个有名的小品 讲的是球员和他们好笑的名字

I need the bathroom set for the bully skit.


They're kind of cheesy skits, but it gets the girls involved.

虽然很蹩脚 但可以让女生放开

I mean, we cracked each other up, we terrified each other, we put on little comedy skits about horror movies and vice versa.

我们互相嘲笑 互相吓唬 我们表演有关恐怖电影的喜剧小品 反之亦然

I'm venturing away from robot movies and fartbased comedy skits to more serious work, with real emotional impact.

我的重心已经从机器人电影 放屁为主的喜剧小品 转移到了严肃的作品上 有真正情感冲击力的