
音标/读音 [ˈhwaɪtˌwɔʃt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 粉饰, 美化, 掩饰( whitewash的过去式和过去分词 )

s. coated with whitewash



It doesn't sound like there's any misconduct to whitewash.


I'm not looking for a whitewash; all I want's a fair shake.

我不想有任何的舞弊 我只是想要得到公平的待遇

But I see it as a reminder, and our past must not be...whitewashed.

可我把它看作是一个提醒 不该将历史洗白

I don't subscribe to rainbowwrapped, whitewashed happy endings.


Developers making deals to whitewash our neighborhood.


Don't tell me you don't know that they've been whitewashing this sort of thing for decades.

别告诉我你不知道 这几十年来他们一直在掩盖这种事

That bitch didn't even want me in her stupid whitewashed show to begin with.

那个*根本不想让我 参加她那个为了洗白而举行的破演出

I just find it so ironic that they're sending us out to whitewash the city.

我只觉得他们要把我们送去西华盛顿 给市政厅洗白太讽刺

The town stretches away from the harbor, a maze of narrow, cobbled streets flanked by whitewashed homes.

小镇向海港延伸出去 铺着鹅卵石的狭窄街道 如迷宫一般 蜿蜒在白色房屋之间