
音标/读音 ['kɒŋkәrә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 征服者, 胜利者

n. someone who is victorious by force of arms



I was too young then to know him as a conqueror.

我当时太年轻 不知道他是君王

He's a notable conqueror and a prolific breeder.

他是著名的征服者 并且有非常多的后代

You will be a conqueror but only if we work together.

你可以成为征服者 但前提是我们要齐心协力

And soon it will be the conquerors or the conquered.

很快 局面就会成为不去征服 便会被征服

We're conquerors of this fair and beautiful land.


He's a conqueror, and he will not stop until everyone kneels before him.

他是一个征服者 没有让所有人臣服于他之前 他是不会停手的

The conquest is always weakest when the conqueror allows himself to believe that it is done.

当征服者认为征服已经完成的时候 正是所征服的地区最弱的时候

if it refused to make an adequate provision for this celebrated conqueror and his family.

还是拒绝给这位伟大的征服者 和他家人丰厚的回报

Being seen as conquerors will only make keeping the peace harder.

被视为征服者 只会更难维持和平

I am the perfect picture of health and vitality, a master of my fate, a conqueror of death itself.

我是健康與活力的完美寫照 自我命運的主人 死亡本身的征服者