
音标/读音 [ә'pi:liŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有感染力的, 动人的, 恳求的

a. able to attract interest or draw favorable attention



Well, listen, we can appeal let's appeal this.

听着 我们可以上诉 我们上诉吧

We can appeal. I mean, you take the plea, you can't appeal.

我们可以上诉 你接受认罪协议 我们就不能上诉了

I think we appealed to people who were like us, appealed to a lot of people from the suburbs.

我们能够吸引很多像我们一样 来自城郊的人

If I accept your guilty plea, you give up the right to appeal your conviction and the right to appeal your sentence.

如果我接受你的有罪辩护 你就是放弃了你对你的判决 和量刑上诉的权利

I could have appealed, but that wasn't an option.

我本可以上诉 但我失去了这权利

No, to appeal to what is best in them.

不 是唤醒他们心中的善良

I've appealed it, so it'll be off before it's on.

我已经上诉了 很快就不用它了

That's not it. It's more that I don't feel very appealing.

不是 只是我不是很喜欢

A further appeal is its universal aspiration.


Cloves, to me, have that festive appeal.

我认为 丁香有种节日气息