
音标/读音 [in'fekʃәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有传染性的, 易传染的
[医] 传染性的

s. caused by infection or capable of causing infection
a. easily spread; children catch it from their elders"- Bertrand Russell
a. of or relating to infection



If she is infectious, then you would have to be isolated, too.

如果她感染了 那你也得被隔离了

It's a goiter, and it's not infectious.

这是甲状腺肿 而且不是传染性的

She's in isolation with an infectious disease.


No, because there's a better chance this is infectious.

不 因为有传染性的可能性更大

I'm the one with a doctorate in infectious diseases.


It turns the victim symptomatic, then infectious.

被害人会出现症状 开始具有传染性

We think it was some sort of infectious agent.


This chamber is needed for the infectious, which you are no longer.

这间房是给传染病人住的 而你已经不是了

Well, whatever's going on is not infectious.

无论他得了什么病 不是感染

Mary, I almost forgot what an infectious laugh you have.

玛丽 我都快忘了你的笑声多有感染力