
音标/读音 [mæθs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 数学

n a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
n a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement



I got put in remedial math because my math from my old school is not the same math they have here.

我被安排进了数学补习班 因为我上一个学校的数学 学的跟这里的不一样

You do the math, 'cause you know me and math.

你自己算算 你也知道我数学不好的

I don't do math anymore. I don't care about math.

我不研究数学了 我不管那些

There only four subjects worth studying science and math and math and science.

只有四门课程值得学习 科学 数学 数学 科学

So I started tutoring him in math, and he became the best math student in school.

所以我开始辅导他数学 然后他成了学校里数学最好的学生

Princeton was a scholarship because I was good at math, and math led me to tech, and then tech led me here.

我拿奖学金上的 因为我数学好 后来就开始搞科技 然后就到这了

I think it's 'cause I'm a math geek and, um, you know, music is the art of math.

我想因为我是数学高手 而音乐就是数学艺术

I do... but unfortunately the math is still the math, and our budget is only going to get tighter with all the earthquake damage.

我懂 遗憾的是 数字依然不会改变 而且因为地震带来的损害 预算只会更紧

Fortunately, our math doesn't have any inhibitions and we could still calculate all these things even if they seem completely counter intuitive and it's only through the math that we're able to actually deal with all these ideas.

幸运的是 数学是没有任何偏见的 我们可以去推演那些看起来 和常识直觉完全相悖的东西 而且事实上也只有数学 能够帮我们处理这些问题

Because that math they had me working on it was his.

因为他们让我算的东西 其实是他的工作