
音标/读音 [stʌd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 装饰钮扣, 大头钉, 领扣, 种马
vt. 镶嵌, 点缀, 散布

n. a man who is virile and sexually active
n. ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)
n. adult male horse kept for breeding
n. poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt



She's a foxy redhead, and he's a stud.

她是性感的红法妞 而他是一头种马

I was trying to nab a filly for my stud.


We're gonna tear this place down to the studs.


And I will gut this place down to the studs.


These amethyst studs were forced through postmortem.


But if you were to put him out to stud, he could make you far more.

但如果您要把它变成种马来养 他可能会给你赚得更多

Ah, hell of a stud you were at that age.


Means you got yourself a date, stud.

意思是你把妹成功了 傻瓜

I don't like the stud they sent. I want you to have a pearl.

我不喜欢那些饰钮 我要你戴珍珠的

Fivecard stud, perfect. I could do with a change of luck.

梭哈纸牌游戏 正好 我也想换换手气呢